Call for Papers

Talks/Demos/Hands-on Workshops

Call for papers for DEF CON 32 now open!!

We want to give you a platform to teach others! Have a cool hack you want to show off? Want to teach something awesome? Want to demonstrate your own repurposing? Let us know!

We are seeking anything and everything related to Make Your Own Use that is hands-on. Do you have a training or workshop that includes a hands-on component? Perhaps there is a specific meetup of a special (hardware) interest group you would like to lead? Topics that we are always interested in include:

Not sure if your activity falls into any of those categories? Make a submission anyway!

CFP open until May 24th 23:59 PDT-7!

Submit your information here!

Become a Volunteer

The DEF CON Hardware Hacking Village is entirely staffed by volunteers. A small group of us work year-round to bring you the awesome things we do for those few days over DEF CON. We have volunteers behind the table and walking around in the area to help out however we can. We love to teach others and learn new things.

If this sounds fun to you, then consider volunteering your time in the HHV!